Dear Jazz
I've been seeing this guy for about 2 months now. I like him and he seems cool but its still fairly new. There's definitely a chemistry and I am sexually attracted to him. I haven't had sex with him yet and he recently asked me to go with him to Miami for the weekend. I do want to go, but I don't know if me going means he's expecting me to have sex with him since he's taking me on a weekend trip. Honestly I'm not sure if I'm ready to have sex with him. Maybe I will, Maybe I won't, but I don't want to feel obligated because of a weekend getaway. How do I make this clear to him before committing to this trip?
Mz. GottaMakeThangzClear
Hey Mz. GottaMakeThangzClear
Oooh weekend getaway...Niiiice! But honestly speaking...Yesss, most men think Weekend Getaways = Sex!! Although, they don't just come out and say it...most men are thinking it! So, If you're not 100% sure that you want to go there definitely need to make that clear prior to boarding!! ...Actually Asap!! I would kindly say to him... "I'm really looking forward to going away with you, but since this is our first trip together ....I just want to talk to you about your expectations...We're still getting to know each other and I don't want things to move faster sexually...than what I'm comfortable with just because we're going away together. I just want to make sure you're cool with that and if you're not comfortable with that then we should hold off on the weekend getaway until we are both comfortable with going away together". Then you wait for his response..Either he's going to say it's not a problem and when the two of you go away he's still going to try to have sex with you any way! (Typical Of Any Man!) lol... and then you will make your decision on whether or not that's what you want to do...and if you tell him you're not ready, he can't hold it against you because you made things clear prior to the trip...But if he says he no longer wants to go on the trip with you under those circumstances..Then you have to accept his decision...but I would definitely question his motives if No Guaranteed Sex = Cancellation of a weekend getaway... that's suppose to lead to getting to know each other better and not just sexually!! ;)
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