Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ms. Drama

Hey jazz, im gonna try to sum this up becuz this is a long drama-filled story.
To make things easier #1=my bf and #2=guy friend!! Well, about three years ago,
my bf cheated on me. At the time i was only 18 so i cheated back with a guy
friend. I had always been attracted to #2 but never pursued him because of my
#1. Well, i thought once i had sex with #2, that there would be no more contact,
but there was!! It has been on and off since that day. The reason for the on and
off?? Everytime #1 and i were'nt talking, #2 would come into play. Over time,#2
told me that he had deep feelings for me. I got scared and #1 and i got back
together again. This has been an ongoing back and forth for all this time and
finally something HUGE happened. I got pregnant by #2!! By the time i found out,
i got back with #1! Therefore, i didnt keep it. I told myself i would never go
thru that again. I eventually broke up with #1 because he was still a cheater. I
found out i was pregnant by #1 when we broke up, but had the baby because i
couldnt do that again!! Even though i was pregnant by #1, #2 still stuck around
with me! I really loved him!! Well the last straw for #2 was when i got back wit
#1 AGAIN. It was hard to let go cuz i'd been with #1 for 6yrs. Eventually i let
go of #1!! But it was too late, #2 had moved on and got a gf. I love this man so
much, question is, should i still try to pursue him or let it go? Im askin cuz
he stuck around and fought for me for 3yrs. Should i give up so easily??
                                                                    Ms. Drama

Hey Ms. Drama,
        Yes girl...there's some Drama...but I Completely Understand the Scenerio
bc it happens to more people than you'll ever Know! I can understand how you can
have feelings for both...Obviously they both brought something different to the
table..But then you realized that #2 is the one that you rather be with. He
sounds like a pretty good guy...He was willing to be a family with you even
though he wasn't the biological father of the child. Thats a great Quality...and
#1 couldn't Stop his cheating ways so that wouldn't be a healthy relationship
regardless. But here's the thing. You've made some life decisions that you have
to accept. Due to your cheating as well there's a lot of damage and mistrust
with you and #2 as well..he probably doesn't want to put his heart on the line
again and take the chance of you going back to #1 especially knowing you are
connected to #1 bc the two of You have a baby together. He might feel its better
to start something new. All you can honestly do is express to him how strongly
you feel for him and what it is you want. You can set a Grace period for
yourself to know when you should move forward if his feelings are no longer
mutual. Although, that might be hard to do sometimes relationships can have so
much damage..that repairing it isn't an Option. Hopefully he'll give the
relationship another chance,but if not you have to know when to move forward and
accept the fact that some Drama isn't easily forgotten and a Clean Slate and New
Love might be the Drama Free and Best Option for #1...2...and You!

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