Thursday, October 28, 2010

Living In His Past

Hi Jazz,
            I've been dating my guy for about 9 months now. When I met him he did explain to me that he is still really good friends with his ex girlfriend. But the problem I'm having is that he is always comparing me to her. He has said things like, " When you cook you should do it like this because when ______ did it like that it always turned out good" also when I was working out he mentioned how _______ would run 2 miles three times a week to stay in shape and last but not least one time he mentioned how he wish he got along with my parents as well as he got along with _________ Parents! I'm definitely fed up with these Comparisons. How do I let him know that this is a problem for me without seeming insecure?
                                                                                         Living In His Past

Hey Living In His Past,
            I would be fed up too!! The nerve of him!! Did he forget that he is in a new Relationship?! Honestly speaking there really isn't no other way to address this situation...Accept for confronting him the very next time he does it. Maybe he doesn't even realize he's doing it, But it's sure time to find out! You don't have to say it in an argumentative way, But what you do need to say is..."I don't know if you realize it or not, but I'm noticing  that you're always telling me how______ did things. And I'm sure that worked for her, but I have my own way and It works perfectly fine for me. So can you please be open minded to my way of doing things and not compare to your Ex....Because if you keep living in the past, It's going to make it hard for us to have a future together."  If he's a Smart Guy and wants to be with you he will take heed to what you are saying.... and if he doesn't.. Then maybe he isn't over his past!

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