(The Unspoken Must Have!)
Convenience: Definition, n. The Quality of Being Suitable to One's Comforts, Purposes, or Needs
Ladies, When I Tell you for the Longest Time I was So Mind Boggled by Some of the Choices that Men were Making in Women!! Have You Ever Dated a Bachelor (Nonexclusive) and When you saw his other Choices in Women you are Totally Floored!! You just Don't Understand why he would Date this Person and you're Thinking to Yourself..."How Could He Possibly like Me but Also Like Herrrrrrrr...She's Not Even that Hot?!" Or Maybe you were Dating a Guy and Things just Didn't Progress How you Would've Liked, Maybe he was just Too Busy with Work??!!, So You Thought!..Until you Found out he's is Seeing Someone Else and he's Spending So Much Time with Herrrrrrr?! and Last but Not Least..The Real Ego Bruiser!!..You were Dating a Guy and He Claimed that he wasn't Ready to be in a Relationship, Yet you Find out that when you and him Parted Ways ... Not too Long After... Someone Else has the Girlfriend Title....aaaaand its Herrrrrr?!!! This is When Our Minds Start Getting the Best of Us! And Us Women Can't Help but Wonder..."What is Wrong with Meeee?..Or What Am I Missing??! ....and Ladies...I've Been there!...and it Can Totally Consume your Mind..and it Did!!....So, I Thought about all the Situations My Girlfriends and their Girlfriends had been Going Through...And Tried to Figure Out Why so Many Women were Saying that the Men they were Dating didn't Commit to them or Things just Died Out, but the Men they were Dating Ended Up with Someone Else...and then I Realized OMG!!!! Could It Be The Convenience Factor!!
I Started Thinking about the Qualities that Men would Want in a Woman...Besides Men Wanting an Attractive, Confident, Self Efficient, Sexy, Smart, Attentive Woman.....Under Estimated But Just as Important!!!...She Has to have The Convenience Factor!! Now...Let Me Make One Thing Very Clear!...Convenience Doesn't MeanOverly Accessible!!! Convenience in this Matter Simply Means... A Woman Who Works Well with His Already Built Life, Interest and Desires. Right Now you're Probably saying..."Oh Really! So I'm Suppose to just be Moldable and Be his Personal Cookie Cutter?!" No, Ladies...I'm Definitely Not Saying That!! But What I am Noticing is that...Men Aren't Always Going to Choose Beauty or the Most Successful Woman Over the Cool Girl with the Laid back Personality that Adapts Well....Think about it, When you Choose Your Besties...Usually You Start Off Liking Them because they have the Same Interest as You Do! Spending Time Together is Effortless...It Flows with Ease and it has The Convenience Factor!! So When You Analyze it from a Man's Perspective,He's also Looking for a Woman who:
1. He Doesn't have to Change Who he is or the Things he Likes to do When he's in Her Company
2. Gets Along with His Friends Well Enough to be at his House While He's Watching the Game with them, So now he Has the Best of Both Worlds... his Boys and his Boo! ;)
3. Spends time with Him and it Flows with Ease, Because the Two of them Have A Lot of the Same Interest...Maybe She Doesn't Mind Seeing that Gory Action Flick with Him.
These are Just Some of the Examples of The Convenience Factor.... I know it Might Seem like Such a Small Detail...But I Think it has Significance in the Success of a Relationship. I'm Sure You've Heard Guys Say..."She's just Too High Maintenance!" or "Why Can't We Just Grab Something Quick to Eat and Chill?!" When Men Feel There's too Much Difficulty in Getting to Know you, or Hang Out with you ...It Becomes Work to Them and Then its Undesirable! Us Women have to have a Balance Of Remaining to be Who We are While Entering their World and Making them Feel like You Belong in it!! As if You're the Perfect Fit!...When the Guy You're Dating Can Hang out with you and His Friends at the Same Time, Watch Sports with You or Even Workout with You!! Chances are He'll See you more Often Because he Doesn't Have to Change who He is to be with you...When, In the Beginning Stages of Dating... This Strategy is what Gets You to be on a More Consistent Bases with a Man...Next Thing you Know! He Wants to See You All the Time...And I Guarantee ...Besides the Fact that you are Attractive, Confident, Self Efficient, Sexy, Smart and Attentive....You Also Have The Convenience Factor! ;)
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