Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Single Girls On A Budget!

So, reality has kicked in! You're no longer splitting bills with your now Ex. I know, I were a little spoiled to your boyfriend paying for the groceries , picking up the tab when you went out to eat three times a week and buying you those shoes you had your eye on for the last month. Here's the thing... your then boyfriend is now your Ex! and although he did nice things for you and lightened your financial load, The two of you broke up for a reason! If a man is not treating the way you deserve and the relationship is at a point where it can't be fixed, Don't let the fear of financial burden stop you from moving forward with your life and doing what's best for your future. So many of us women get accustomed to men taking care of us and it can some-times cripple us without us even knowing it. I hear so many women say..." But, if i break up with him how will I be able to pay my Bills?" ... This is the thing, as scary as it might seem...I'm here to tell you, where there is a will there is a way! Now is the time to be Smart and Manage your Money Better....You are no longer a Girl with a Boyfriend...You are a Single Girl on a Budget!  I'm going to show you how to turn that frown upside down!!! Don't you worry, you can still be Fabulous on a Budget!... And this is how!!

#1. Get a Roommate - Even if you're not accustomed to sharing space with someone besides your Ex. This is a time where compromise comes into play for the Bigger Picture! The Fabulous thing about having a roommate is you have someone to talk to and keep you company. This will help you with the process of getting over your Ex!

#2.  Find your Inner Betty Crocker -  Eating out with friends three times a week, ordering lunch at work, and having the local Chinese restaurant on speed dial is now a No No! We don't realize how much money we can spend by eating out. You can easily spend at least $100.00 eating out three times a week. That same $100.00 can buy you over a weeks worth of groceries, feeding you three times a day! So, now is the time to make your favorite dishes and bring your lunch into work, instead of going out to eat with friends, invite them over for a home cooked meal and girl talk! The fabulous thing about cooking is, You can now drop the 5lbs. that's been driving you crazy! You can cook healthier meals instead of eating greasy Chinese food! And honestly speaking, it never hurts for a Single Girl to know how to cook a mean meal!! One day those recipes that you learned while being Single will put a smile on your Future Husbands face!

#3.  Cut Coupons -  I Know you're thinking " Me, Cut Coupons!!!...My Grandmother use to do that!! "  But, Granny knows Best!  You can save so much money just by taking the time out to cut out coupons from for your local papers. Now, there are websites where you can download coupons for your favorite Beauty and Food Brands! The Fabulous thing about using coupons is seeing that receipt with the break down of all your savings! It makes you feel Responsible and Saavy! You can always use the savings to treat yourself to that cute top you seen on sale, for being so Smart!  Besides walking into your local stores and cutting out the coupons they offer

#4.  Home Spa Treatment -  As much as we love going to the salon to get our hair, nails and facials done...We are capable of doing it our-selves! Going to the salon is a great luxury, but if your circumstances cause you to be on a Budget...these things can be done at home!  Mani-Pedis can cost you $30.00 ...Hair Salons can easily take $50.00- $80.00 out your wallet and facials... that'll be $95.00 please!!! If you learn to do these things at home you can save approximately $170.00- $205.00!! So Lets get some patience and creativity by doing these treatments at home!! The Fabulous thing about home treatments is.. you don't have to wait for your appointment, you can do it at your convenience and as many times a week as you like because its Free!!!  Here's a list of Great Beauty Products that will make your Home Treatments feel Worth While!!

#5.  Fashion Bargain Stores -  One thing that will never change...Single or Married, us Girls will never give up Shopping!! But, You must learn to have Self Control and Not Purchase every single Designer Item that is the Trend, on Sale, or has Your Name written all over it!!  I know it makes you feel good to shop,But a lot of the time its just for temporary satisfaction. When you see an item you like don't just purchase it. Put it on hold or walk away from it for a couple days and make a rational decision on whether or not you need to make that purchase...And if you have the Urge to shop, Some of the best places to find cool trends and designer brands are at Fashion Bargain Stores...Like Marshalls, T.J Maxx and Loehmann's. Those Discount Prices can make you feel Better about making a Purchase!!

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