Think about it...When you first meet a man and he thinks you're hot, of course he thinking immediate satisfaction and he wants to have sex with you!! In the beginning that's going to be his main goal... He'll take you out to dinners, do the cute texting and basically anything you want him to do..In hopes that it will lead to sex!! Honestly Ladies, we can't be mad at that!..It's just a part of the mental make up of a man...But as a woman, we have to show them that there is more to us then just a night of hot sex! ...The goal here is to not sleep with him fast so he can start liking you for you...And while he's taking you on all these dates to reach his goal...Your job is to make him see all the great qualities you have. As you spend more time with him he'll start to genuinely enjoy being around...And although he still wants to have sex with you..Its no longer the main objective... Don't get me wrong ..It's definitely on his list of things to do ;) But getting to know you and spending time with you all of a sudden appeared on his little list as well! ;)
The million dollar question amongst us girls,has always been..."How long do I have to wait to have sex with him for him to respect me?!" The truth of the matter is..There is no set amount of time... You'll hear stories of a girl having a one night stand with a guy and then they became happily married..You'll also hear stories of a girl who dated a guy for 8 months before sleeping with him and the relationship didn't work..So nothing is set in stone and there are always the exceptions to the rule! But, if we're going to make a logical decision on how long you should wait before giving what's most valuable to you, to a man you are dating..I would say wait until you're truly confident that this guy really likes you for you! And ladies... That takes time!! Most men are on their best behavior in the beginning...So you have to spend enough time with your potential to learn the good and bad qualities that he possess. You need to see what else the relationship is built on besides sexual chemistry...And although there is no guarantee that if you make him wait the relationship will work.. It's better to know if you're taking a chance on a good hand of cards then to gamble what's most valuable to you on a hand of cards you didn't get to see! So ladies take your time...Believe me he'll wait! And he'll actually want you more and respect you more if you make him earn it...It's for you to show him how valuable you really are!! ;)
1. Approval For A Home Loan- For Final Underwriting Approval, Appraisal, Title Search, Home Inspection, Verification Of Income/Credit etc... Several Weeks..Easily To Two Months...Could Take Longer If You Didn't Dot All The I's and Cross All The T's ;)
2. Approval For Health Insurance- Once Proven That You're In Good Health and Doctors Get Your Records To The Insurance Company, etc.. Estimated Time Is Approximately 30 Days To Get Approved After Submission..However This Is No Guarantee ..Could Take Longer!
3. Reservations At Babbo's In N.Y.C- Ummmm A Month!! ...And That's Just To Eat!!
So Ladies...I'm Confident When Saying...I Know We All Value Ourselves Waaay More Than Everything On This List...So When Asking The Question...Is It Too Soon To Have Sex?! ...You Do The Math!! Just Think Logical...Because Everything In Life That Has Value Is Worth Waiting For! ;)
This is great advice Jazz! Giving in to temptation is just not worth it...its always better to wait and get to know someone. You may find out you hate them and are grateful that you didnt give them the satisfaction!
Heyyy Lisa...Giiiirl...that temptation will have you giving a million reasons why you can do it on the fist date!! lol...but then logic in most cases need to kick in!! Thanks for sharing!! ;) xoxo
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