Monday, November 1, 2010

Reverse Psychology?! ...When the Wrong Tries To Make Himself Right! Oh....I Don't Think So!

So you've been Dating your Guy for Some Time now.., The Two of You have a Great Chemistry, Have a lot in Common and Sex...Well it's just Amazing! You Feel like the Two of you Get Along Well and the Relationship is going in a Good Direction...Then Comes the Disagreements!...Which is Completely Normal in Every Relationship. Sometimes he'll be Right and you'll be Wrong ..And Then there will be Times when you are Right and he is Clearly Wrong! ....So why isn't he just Admitting he's Wrong and Apologizing?! Well Ladies...There are Two Types of Men in this World...One, Is a Man who can Admit when he's Wrong, Apologize and Do what he has to Do to Fix it! ( No One's Perfect So You Gotta Love em! ) and then there's the Other Type of Man, The One that knows he's Wrong...But he tries to Convince you that you're Wrong with a Little Strategy Called Reverse Psychology!!Now this is the thing...How you handle the Situation when he's is using this Tactic will tell him so much about you! If he uses Reverse Psychology on you and you Allow him to make you feel Bad or Apologize when you Know you are Not Wrong..He will feel he has the Upper Hand in the Relationship. Once he sees that you are willing to Back Down from your Stance or Principles...Just so he won't be Mad at you or for the Sake of not having a Disagreement, Whether you realize it or not...he will Lose Respect for you! and He will Constantly try to use this Tactic in all Disagreements. So Ladies...Make Sure You Stand by your Beliefs or Position if you Truly Feel You are Right.. It's a Good Quality to be able to Admit when your Wrong about Something, But It's Never O.K to Back Down If you Know you're Right!...And Any Real Man wouldn't want a Push Over as his Lady..He would want a Woman with a Back Bone Standing by his Side!!  Will Smith and Jada Pinkett...Need I Say More! ;)

Signs That Your Guy Is Using Reverse Psychology on You!

1.  He Uses Silence As His Weapon Until You Apologize

2.  He Starts Bringing Up Past Situations Of Things That You Were Wrong For That Having Nothing To Do With The Present Situation That He Is Wrong For

3.  He Starts To Talk About Breaking Up With You When You Try To Address Him About What He Did Wrong

4.  He Tries To Make You Believe That The Reason The Relationship Isn't Working Is Because You Are Always Accusing Him Of Something

5. Straight Up and Down..He Tries To Convince You That You Are Crazy!! :/

* My Fellow Fabulous Girls!!! Under No Circumstance Do You Fall For This!!  You Have To Be Willing To Hold Your Ground..No Matter How Long It Takes And No Matter How Upset Your Guy Gets With You (He's Banking On You Folding First!)...If Your Right...You're Right!! Be Patient And Keep Your Position. Once Your Guy Sees That Your Not Backing Down...He'll Come Around! With An Apology Of Course And Hopefully Some Flowers!! ;)

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