Dear Jazz,
I've been with my boyfriend for almost two years. I'm 23 years old and although I want to be in a relationship with him I still do like to party with my girlfriends and go to clubs from time to time. My boyfriend is always complaining about me going out, saying that I shouldn't hang out since I'm in a relationship. He makes me feel so guilty sometimes, that I cancel plans with my friends at the last minute and then it pisses them off! Which I completely understand. I don't know if my boyfriend is right about me going out too much or not. How would you handle this situation?
Party Girl In A Relationship
Hey Party Girl In A Relationship,
There's nothing wrong with us girls wanting to have a lil fun!! Just because you're in a relationship...that doesn't mean cut off your life line to fun!! You should be able to be in a relationship and hang out with your girlfriends as well, But everything in life is about balance! First of all you're 23 yrs. old... you should be going out and having a good time!!...I think thats what our 20's are for!!! but if you really want to be in a relationship than you have to understand you might not be able to party as much as you did when you were a "Single Girl" You have to find a happy medium between Boyfriend Time and Time with Friends. Now if you're hanging out all the time then your boyfriend might have a valid point, but if you are partying with friends in moderation...I don't see the problem?! For One I never think it's ok for a woman to allow a man to control her plans, You should never cancel plans with your friends that you already committed to because your boyfriend doesn't want you to go out. Just try to have good judgement on how you share your time. As a woman in your 20's you should be able to do both..and your boyfriend should understand that. But you must also understand that the way you Party as a "Single Girl" is a Lil Different than the way you Party as a Girl in a Relationship! So just think about which one you want to be..."Single Girl Partying" or "Party Girl In A Relationship"...and the great news is...There's no wrong answer...It's truly about what you're ready for at this point in your life :)
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