Have men tricked women right out of their skirts and into a life of debauchery and promiscuity, or have women just given into the sexual desires of men in hopes their performance in bed will some how warrant a man's heart? If so, how much longer will women go on allowing men to disrespect them; and even worse, how long will women continue to disrespect themselves? Michael J. Lockwood, a bold and controversial first-time author, takes an in-your-face approach to relationships by spotlighting sex and feminism and how they affect modern-day romance. This father of three girls felt it was time to unveil the true secrets behind men's relentless pursuit of women. In Women Have All The Power... Too Bad They Don't Know It, Lockwood delivers a rude awakening by exposing women and how their own behaviors contribute to exploitation and infidelity. He keeps it real by turning the mirror back on women and challenges them to take responsibility for their own choices and actions. In this enlightening account, Lockwood does and exemplary job of providing women with detailed insight to the simplicity of a man's MO as it relates to intimacy. This book revolutionizes dating and relationships as we now know them and allows women to regain their rightful position of POWER. --Lisa L. Enterprises
Jazz's Quick Review
Okay...Here We Gooooo! This Book Had Me Glued to My Chair as I Aggressively Flipped Through the Pages with one Hand and Sipped My StarBuck's Vanilla Chai Latte that was in the Other!! I Didn't Quite Know How to Feel As I was taking in the information 1000 miles per Hour!! There was Sooooo Many good Points that Michael J. Lockwood was Explaining! Reality Check after Reality Check!! I Felt Like My Father Sat Me Down and Decided he was Going to Whip Me Into Shape!! So you Can Imagine How that Can Make You Feel...With That Being Said, Michael Was Dropping Some Serious Knowledge!! His Advice On How A Woman Should Carry Herself and Interact with a Man in A Relationship Was Definitely Coming From a Good Place, but I Couldn't help but feel a Little Angry at Times Because I Realized that Men Have Such High Expectations of Us Women, But We Aren't Guaranteed that Men Will Be On Their Best Behavior. There Were Statements That Michael Made in this Book That I will Keep A mental Note Of Forevvvverr! Like... "Sex May Stimulate A Man's Body, But it Doesn't Stimulate His Heart". Need I Say More! On the Other Hand I Felt Some Of Michael's Expectations of A Woman to be a Little Old Fashion...But You Be The Judge!! I Always Knew that Women Had All the Power, But He Just Up'd the Ante When I was Done Reading!! :))))) You Can Purchase This Book At www.amazon.com $15.61 Or At Your Local Barnes&Nobles
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