Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So Confused

Dear Jazz,
I've been dating this guy for the last 9 months and everything is going great. I feel we have a lot in common as far as personal interest and there's a great sexual chemistry as well. Recently, during pillow talk he asked me would I be open minded to having a threesome involving another girl. My initial reaction was to say no, but after him expressing that it's something that he really would like us to do, I am starting to consider it. I've never done that before and I'm confused on what I should do. We are in a monogamous relationship and i like it that way. So I'm wondering, would this still be considered a monogamous relationship and is this something I should even be considering?

                                                                    Ms. So Confused!

Hey Ms. So Confused,
I Actually Don't Think your So Confused! Your Initial Reaction was to Say No..But Your Considering it bc it's Something "He" wants to do. Now, I Completely understand A Girl wanting to Please her Man...Especially in the Bedroom! But, Sex is suppose to be Pleasurable for the Both of You! So If having a threesome has never been on your list of things to Do! Then I wouldn't Just Do it bc it's on his To Do List!! For the Record, I don't think it' s wrong for him to Express his Fantasies to You, that's Healthy for any Relationship.. But, what's not Good for the Relationship is One Person doing something they may Regret Later. Once you bring Someone else into your Bedroom it can change the Dynamics. If you do it Once he might want to do it Again and if thats not your Kind of Thing, that Experience can be Disastrous for You!! If the Two of you were both interested in this Sex Act, I would say Have Fun making your Fantasy come True! ( And I would still say the same thing as far as being Aware of the Repercussion of bringing Someone else into your Bedroom)and Just be Safe! With That being said... Clearly this is Not something you Really want to do and Yes it would still be a monogamous relationship in my opinion because he's not Cheating on you ....and it's a One Time Sexual Act..One Time Riiight?!. But seeing him with Another Woman might make you feel like the Relationship isn't as Sacred as it was Before...and Honestly Speaking, If the Two of you been Dating for Only 9 months isn't there so Many Things that the Two of you still have to Explore Sexually!! I'm Sure you Guys can Get Creative with 4 Legs in the Bed instead of 6!! Now, that can get Confusing!! I would Express to him that this is Not something you are Comfortable with and you like being a Duo, Not a Trio!! Hopefully, He'll Understand and Respect your Decision ( That would be Great )...and If Not, there's nothing Wrong with being a Single until you find Someone that doesn't make you Feel So Confused!

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