So, we all Know what Rebounding is, Right?! It's a Stage you go through after a Breakup, where any Cute Guy in Arms Reach gets to Spend Time with You and Gets your Goodies even if he doesn't Deserve it!! You're at a place in your Dating Life where you just want Male Attention and you Really don't Care how you get it. You'll do almost anything to Feel Wanted or Loved by the Opposite Sex. This is a very Delicate Period in your Life and it can be Very Damaging if your not in tuned with your Feelings and Aware of your Behavior. If you have Not Recovered from your Broken Heart from your Past Relationship, this Rebound Process can cause your Emotions to continue in a Downward Spiral. You need to make sure that when you Decide to get back on the Dating Scene, you are Mentally and Emotionally Stable. Having Left Over Baggage from your Past Relationship is a Major No No. There's no way you'll be able to have a Healthy Dating Life if you're still Harboring Past Pain. Its okay to Date Different Guys after your Breakup, but Jumping from one guy to the next in search for them to make you Feel Complete is a Smoking Mirror. You will Realize after Rebounding you will still Feel Empty Inside. To be a Fab Single Girl, you must Build Yourself Up, know what you Deserve and have a Clear Understanding that Any Man you Date isn't Responsible for your Happiness. He is there to Add to it!!
For Some Great Books On How to Build Your Self Esteem Back Up...Check the SGS Book Club
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