Ladies, you're Not going to Like what I'm about to say.... But it's for your Own Good! It's Better for you to Hear it from a Fellow Single Girl than from a Fed Up Single Guy that you've been Casually Dating! Okay, Here it is.... If you are Casually Dating a Bachelor and he has Made it Clear that He is Not Looking For a Committed Relationship... No Matter How Much Fun, Sex, Dinners, Talks,and Time you Spend Together, it is Unacceptable to put Boyfriend Expectations on Him. Just because you make the Choice to have Sex with a Man or Spend Time with him, it Doesn't Guarantee that he will want to be your Boyfriend. I Know it Sounds Really Unfair, but this is the Thing...Casual dating is a period of Time where you're Suppose to be Having Fun and Seeing what's Out There. Chances are if you're Dating a Bachelor he's Multi-Dating!! That's why it's so Important for Us Women to Know Exactly what it is We Want while being a Single Girl (And Not compromising Our Needs). It's also just as Important to Communicate with the Guy/Guys!! you're dating, about what He/They!! are looking for As Well. Being Honest about your Needs and Desires as a Single Girl will Only Help you Keep a Clear Vision for what you Want out of your Dating Experiences. As a Single Girl you Should Always have Standards on how a Man should Treat you and you Should Never Move Faster with a Man than how you Truly Want to Move. A Fab Single Girl Is always Honest with Herself, Knows what She Wants and Doesn't Settle for Less than what She Feels She Deserves! Now with that being said, you must Understand that a Bachelor may Feel the Same Way as well, the Key here is to Date Bachelors that are interested in the Same Type of Experiences you are Looking for! And you Never Know, in Due Time the Relationship could Possibly Advance( Not Garaunteed!!!) where the two of you Mutually have Boyfriend/Girlfriend Expectations from One Another!! If the Relationship grows in that Direction...But, Until that's a Topic of Discussion... Here are the Do's and Don't u Dare! Expect From a Bachelor Man!!
Do Expect!!
#1. Any man you Date Should be a Gentleman and Treat you with Respect at All Times!
#2. If a Date has to Cancel He Should give you a Courtesy Call, not Just Stand you up...How dare he!
#3. If a Date says He's Going to do Something, He Should Follow Through...i mean, All a Man has is His Word! ( or a Really Good Explanation Why He Can't Follow Through!)
#4. If you are Not Ready to Move Forward Sexually or Emotionally with your Date He Should Respect your Decision
#5. To Feel Your in Good Company and have Fun with Your Date. His Bachelor Ways should Never make you Feel Uncomfortable or Take Away from your Dating Experiences! ...Therefore, He shouldn't be on his Cell taking Personal Calls with Other Women or Doing Anything that would make You Feel Like You Being with him is an Inconvenience...If Thats the Case...Tell Him to Kick Rocks!!
Don't You Dare Expect!
#1. Don't Expect For a Man to Love you or Want to be in a Committed Relationship with you because you are having Sex with him.( And Ladies It Doesn't Matter How Gooood Your Sex Is...A Man's Hard Candy is Not Connected to His Heart!!) If you Feel Sex Shouldn't Happen Until you're in a Committed Relationship, Then you Should Wait Until You and the Person you're Dating have Genuine Feelings and the Same Interest at Heart!
#2. Don't Expect For the Bachelor your Dating to Automatically want to Meet your Parents, your Besties or your Dog! He might Not be Ready to Meet the most Important people in your Life until He Knows that He Wants the Relationship to Progress. By the way, if He's Not Ready to Meet them... it's pretty safe to Assume you shouldn't be Expecting to Meet his parents Anytime Soon!
#3. Don't Expect Just because you're Only Seeing Him... that Guarantees He Will Not Date Other Girls Besides You. He's a Bachelor for a Reason! Chances are he's having Sex, Going on Dates, and Getting to Know Other Single Girls too!
#4. Don't Expect To Hear from him Everyday! Maybe he will Call you Everyday if that's a Pattern the Two of you Developed. But, Don't Expect that of Him just because the Two of you are Casually Seeing Each Other. I've Noticed how Bachelors can be Consistently Inconsistent! One week they'll Call Everyday and the Next Week you might Hear from them Once. Although you might Not Like it, They are Not Obligated to Call you Every Single Day...And Guess What?! As A Bachelorette You don't have to Answer the Phone Every Single Time They Call!!
#5. Don't Expect The Bachelor that you're Dating to be okay with you dating other Bachelors Just Because They're Dating other Woman! It's Really Funny how Bachelors Think it's okay for them to have other options, but Want to Judge Single Girls for Having Options As Well....But, Oh Well!! As a Single Girl you Don't have to Explain Yourself to Anyone about your Choices in Men. Just Understand a Bachelor Doesn't have to explain to you his Choices in Women. It would be Nice for the Line of Communication to be Open Between You and the person/people you are Dating, but just Know that's a Choice Not an Obligation. So, with knowing this information...Make sure you take the Proper Safety Precautions when Multi-Dating! And if The Man Your Dating Doesn't Want You Multi-Dating than He Must Be Ready For a Commitment Riiiight?! So, He has to stop Multi-Dating Too!! Other Wise Continue On Single Girl!!
* If These Things Bother You, Chances are You're Not Okay with Casual Dating...And That's Perfectly Fine....Therefore You Should be Dating Someone that Wants to be More Committed and Not Interested in Multi-Dating!
Just Remember: Most Men are Bachelors by Choice. They choose to be Bachelors because they Are Not Ready to be in a Committed Relationship or Didn't Find what they Believe to be their Perfect Girl. When a Man is Ready to be in a Committed relationship with you he will let you know! Until there's a discussion about taken the Relationship to the Next Level, You must remember He is a Bachelor with Options and you are a Bachelorette with just as many Options too!!! and if you find yourself Wanting a Committed relationship with Someone and They Don't Want the Same Thing, You Have to Know When to Walk!!! You Can Not Make a Man Commit to You!
* When a Man is a Bachelor, it Doesn't Give Him the Right to Treat You Less than You Deserve just because He's Not your Boyfriend. I will Always Stress to you how Important it is to Have Standards! Don't Ever let a Man make you Feel Uncomfortable by his Behavior or Take You and Your Time for Granted. Just because a Man is a Bachelor, that Doesn't mean he has to be Inconsiderate, Rude, or Selfish. If you Feel the Bachelor your Dating is Displaying these Types of Negative Behaviors i Advise you to No Longer See him. There's Alot of Great Bachelors Out There that will Treat You to your Standards. Although, a Man May Not be Ready for Marriage or a Committed Relationship... He Should Still Know How to Treat a Lady! Choose a Bachelor that's also a Gentleman!
Brutally honest, but TRUE. Great read especially for single women, especially with a more naive or inexperienced sense when it comes to relationships... And Jazz, next time please ask me before you use my body when posting pics on your blog =P
Lol Fernando...Too Funny!! Next time I'll ask to use Your Sexxxxy Body!! and Thank u for the Confirmation on the Topic...A Man's Perspective is Always Needed!! Especially from a True Bachelor! ;)
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