
Monday, September 20, 2010

Single Girl Survival Kit

Have you ever noticed how men act over their tool kit?! It's like their Pride and Joy! From the smallest task to the biggest project, They feel there's something in that Kit, that will fix any problem that occurs. Well Ladies, Guess what?!  We have a tool kit too!!  Now, that you're a Single Girl you don't know what situations may occur. So, you have to be prepared at all times!  While men carry around rusty heavy metal, us Single Girls will Toss some Light Weight  Goodies in our handbag!  Here is a list of must haves, that every Single Girl must Have!!

#1. Cash - Dating is like Gambling, there's no guarantee that every guy you meet is going to be a winner. If You're on a date and the Night takes a turn for the Worse, you want to make sure that you're in a position to leave when you like...therefore you need to Have cash for your emergency exit... "Taxi Pleeeease!"

#2. Condoms - I Know there's a great deal of women out there that might not feel comfortable carrying condoms because it might not seem "Lady Like". Some women might feel its a man's job to carry condoms. Now here's the reality, As a Single Girl its your responsibility to make sure that you are Protected at all times...Not all men are going to be responsible or prepared. If you're on an amazing date sometimes Spontaneous Hot Sex happens!! You don't want to Compromise your health because of a moment of passion! Don't Assume that your date will have Condoms. Remember, you are responsible for your own actions!! Now, with that being said...Have Great Hot Single Girl Sex!!

#3. Girlfriend's Code - We would like to think that every date you experience is going to be amazing!  Although there are plenty of great guys out there to choose from, you might come across a Jerk! If something goes wrong on a date you might need an exit excuse or you might need to give your girlfriend the heads up that Mr. Prince Charming isn't so Charming after all! A friend should always know who you're with and where you're going when dating someone new. Safety first then Fun!!

#4. Perfume - Scent is like an aphrodisiac. A man cannot resist a woman that smells absolutely delicious!  If a man smells your perfume over a period of time, whenever he smells that scent or something similar to your perfume it will make him think of you. Whatever Perfume you wear understand it's your signature scent. Don't leave home without it!

#5. Mascara and Lip Gloss - I'm a firm believer that at anytime you can meet a potential love interest. Whether you're at the Supermarket, Barnes & Nobles or even the Gym!  Therefore, You must always look Fresh!  Mascara and Lip Gloss are two items that will make a dull face look bright!  Also, if you're a Single Girl dating and spending nights out you must  have a fresh look the next morning...Mascara and Lip Gloss won't let you Down!!

#6. Travel Size Breath Freshener - I think we would all agree that kissing can be so much fun! Kissing is like the appetizer to the main course!! As a Single Girl you don't know when your new Hot Guy will make a move. Your Breath must be fresh!! You cannot redo a first Kiss... and if you want an Encore!!

#7. Travel Size Lotion -
I'm very confident that if you ask any man to name some of the things that turns him on about a woman,  soft skin will be one of them. You're a Hot Single Girl, Chances are your Date wont be able to keep his hands off of you, your choice of course!  Soft skin is something that all women should have!

# 8. Hair Brush - Your hair is one of your best accessories. Whether you're rockin a short cut or long locks, it should always look Good! Whether you're at the Gym wearing your hair in a ponytail or at a Dinner Party wearing your hair long and flowing, it should be groomed. Your Hair is a part of your Look. Ladies, the only time Messy hair is allowed, is during the act of Hot Sex!

#9. Shaving Razor - As a Single Girl you might not plan on spending the night out, but sometimes it happens unexpectedly...It's always good to have a shaving razor handy because smooth skin is a must and unsightly Hair is a No No!!

#10. Cell Phone Charger - I know this might sound extreme, but you must have access to communication at all times! Friends/Family should be able to check on you to make sure you're okay while your out on a date and you should be able to reach them if need be. So make sure you have your charger or an extra battery...Ladies, if you have a dead cell phone you won't be able to call your girlfriend from the restaurant restroom to tell her how your date is going!!


  1. Thanks for this list! It's so true and I've always had a man so now that I'm totally single I really needed that. I agree with all of them; even though the prudent side of me was like "Hold Up!" to #2 LOL.

    I'm sharing this with my chicas! Great blog site, beautiful design and layout and awesome fresh amazing topics/posts...

  2. Hey Kendra!! Thank You!!! ...And Giiiirl I know what You Mean about #2...I Really had to Fight with Myself On that One as Well.. Because One Side of Me Always Felt like..."Me Carry Condoms!! Omg...A Guy Will Think I'm Promiscuous!!" ...But You Know What?! It is a New Era!! And When Things Get Heated and that Man Doesn't Show up Prepared... That Puts Us Ladies in a Compromising Situation!! Im Newly Single Too! And Girl this Dating Game Is So Fast Pace! I Say Safety First...Judgement Later!! If The Guy is Mature He'll Show up Prepared! And If he's Not..Then thats When Us Single Girls Will Kindly Whip Out a NEW NEVER OPENED Box Of Condoms!! lol...ima look into it and See if they MakeCondoms in Pretty Pink Wrappers!!...That would be Really Cute!!! lol and Thank you Sooo Much for your Feed Back!! Its So Appreciated!! xoxo :)

  3. heyyyyy i so love this site... that tool kit is soooooo great and needed... condoms is such an important tool needed these days....sooooooo important.... and i am definitely on top of my waxes... but lol@ that razor... i had a little situation where that would have been needed asap.....LMAO!!!! girl this site is my new addiction.... loving the layouts, topis n single girls need those tools on hand alwayssss:) xoxo MISS>>> SOMIHOT

  4. Hey MISS SOMIHOT! Now I'm laughing about that razor!! Because us Girls really don't like to put a razor to our skin!! But carrying that wax in our tool kit...Giiiiirl that can get Messy and that handbag will be Heavy!! ..He'll think your trying to movin!! lol...and Thank you So much!! I Love that you Love my Site!! I'll keep your Addiction Going!! Don't You worry! I'll be your Personal Dating Tip Dealer!! hahahaa xoxo ;)

  5. Hey Jazz! So true about having your own cash! No one wants to depend on a loser a date for a meal or a ride home. Us independent ladies can give him the deuces!

  6. Heyy true!Give Him the Dueces with Your Minxed Finger Nails!! hahahaa

  7. Hey girl, the astroturfing on this site is amazing. I'm loving it.
