
Monday, September 20, 2010

Single Girl Shock Factor

Ladies I can definitely say with out a doubt, the dating scene has changed from how you remember it to be. Just as Seasons change, Technology has changed and it's a more fast pace world we are Living in today! The best Comparison I can make for how you might feel when hitting the dating scene for the first time is this... Imagine someone just getting released from prison after doing a bid! lol...But seriously, If someone was on lockdown (aka- A Relationship) and didn't interact with society for a period of time, when that person gets their freedom back (aka- No Longer Committed) it will take some time for that person to adapt to the changes in society. That Society for us Single Girls, is called the Dating Scene!!! So, if you're just getting out of a relationship (aka The Bid! ) you might feel nervous and intimidated by The World of Dating!
    Have no Fear! The dating scene is not to be looked at from a negative perspective. We are going to condition our minds to look at the dating scene like a Fabulous shoe store with a million hot options to choose from. It's all about finding what appeals to you with the right fit. You might even try on a couple of pairs of shoes before you commit to buying one pair! Just like dating, you will try a couple of different options before you find the right guy. The Goal is for this experience to be Fun and Rewarding!! So, Single Girls...Get on your mark..Get set...Go!!!

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