
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mommy ready to move on!

Hi Jazz,
I'm 26 years old and I've been off and on with the father of my son for the last 4 years. My son is 2 years old and his father and I are not officially together anymore. He dates other women and when things don't work out he always comes running back to me saying that we are going to be together. Then a few months later he's back to his old ways. I'm so tired of it. I don't date other people and when I say I will he doesn't take me seriously. He's taking me for granted, He thinks I will always be there. I'm sick of the run around and the games. I'm starting to wonder if I should just be a mom to our son and move on without him. what would you do if you were me?
                                                                                    Mommy ready to move on!

Hey Mommy ready to move on!
I'm never the one to Suggest someone to leave their Relationship when it's clear that the person is not ready for that Change, But Mommy you sound Ready!...and Honestly I don't Blame you! He can't treat your Relationship like a Revolving Door!! That's not fair to you or your son. Chances are he keeps going back and forth between you and his other options because in the past you kept taking him back...and I know its not easy when you have a child with someone. I know more than anything you would prefer to have your family together, But he's clearly not ready to be committed. You are 26 years old, You should have a healthy Love Life. Whether it's with the father of your son or with a New Love Interest that knows what he wants! And that want... being you! ;) If you are Truly Ready to move on show him through your actions. Don't keep embracing him with open arms after his Options Expire... and I don't know if you are, but you shouldn't be intimate with him while he is this Indecisive about the Relationship. It will Contradict everything you stand for and Confuse the situation more. I would start Exploring my Dating Options if I were you...Because if he doesn't get it together Really Soon...You just might have to make the Decision to move on!! Hopefully, he will Come to his Senses and Realize he wants and Needs you in his life..If Not His Loss  ;)

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