
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Small Town Girl

Hey jazz,

    I'm 21yrs old and I've been dating this guy, 28yrs old, for 6 months nonexclusive. He's an up an coming rapper, so he's always on the go. He claims he's in love with me an want to get married and want me to have his kid...(he already has 2 boys by the way). I'm a little insecure because he has a lot of female friends an he's very open with them on his facebook page. He has pictures of his ex-lovers on his facebook page still, an had yet to remove them? I'm intimidated by him because he's been all over the world an I've never left the state of Florida? I just feel like I always keep asking myself am I good enough for him? Can I satisfy this man? What would he want with a girl like me? I'm not a HOTT VIDEO MODEL, I'm a small town girl an I'm just starting my life he's living the life he started....What do we have in common? I find myself stuck when we are around each other, my mind just goes blank??? I have no problem playing the background because I'm not into the spotlight but I just feel like I'm left in the dark about a lot of things...Should i ride it out or go my own way???? PLZ HELP ME!!!
                                           Sincerely, Small Town Girl

Dear Small Town Girl,
     Wow, Reading your email Touched me because there are So many Young Women Like Yourself that is EVERYTHING you Need to Be...Yet Feel like You're NOT ENOUGH for a Man..It's Crazy How We Try to be So Perfect in a Man's Eyes...And If We Don't Think that Man Feels We're Perfect... Then We Start to Feel So Insecure. When Really.. The Man that is Truly For Us..Will Already Feel We are Perfect! But Honestly..It Starts with You and KNOWING You Are Good Enough!...Now Lets Get to the Facts! You Are 21 yrs Old and like You said you Never left the State of Fla. You Haven't Even Begun to Live Your Fabulous Life!! There Are So Many Opportunites Awaiting You...That Its Scary!! :)... Thinking about Marriage or Children at 21...Why?!  You Have So Much Time to Do that...Experience Life...And What it Feels like to Try New Things and Go to New Places! That's What He's Done and Will Continue to Do! He's Pursuing his Dreams and Creating What He Believes to be the Perfect Life for Him and If he Wants you to Be Apart of His Life...You're Not Going to Settle for Playing the Background...You Need to Be the Leading Lady!! You are a Star in Your Own Right! Small Town Girl or Not!.... So What he's Been all Over the World!! That Doesn't make Him Better than You! But the Truth of the Matter is...There's a lot that Comes with Dealing with a Man in the Music Industry. The Lifestyle Is Very Fast Pace..And If he's Not Mature Enough to Handle His Business and Not Get Personal with all the Women that Comes with that Industry..The Relationship isn't Going to Work!! I Don't Know if He's Doing Things to Make You Feel Insecure or if the Insecurities are Developing because you Don't Feel you can Keep up with him, But Either way 6 months into a Relationship is too Soon for it Not to be Feeling Good!  I Think you have to be Honest with yourself about what you want out of a Relationship and if its Not Adding Up..Then Now would be the Time to Step Out. You Should Never be in a Relationship where you Feel Inferior or in the Dark!!....And lets Not Forget this Relationship is Nonexclusive!!! There's No Guarantees Here!...So You Need to Put Yourself First and Get involved in Situations that Make You Feel Good!! He might be in Music Business..But, You are in the Business of Building You! And the Lights Should Always be On...You Can't Run a Business in the Dark Now Can you?!  and P.S You Don't Have to Be A Video Model!!!....Small Town Girls are Hot!! ;)

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