
Monday, October 11, 2010

Ms. Need a Break

Dear Jazz,
                     I've been dating this guy off and on for about a year. I'm noticing a pattern thats developing here. One minute we are speaking all the time and hanging out a couple times a week and then next thing you know I don't hear from him for a week or sometime even two weeks!  I'll call him sometimes and he won't get back to me for days. We aren't exclusive so I don't know if I even have the right to say anything about it. I hang out with him every chance I get because I do like him and I don't know when he's going to disappear on me again. Is there anything I can do to break this pattern?
                                                                                     Ms. Need A Break

Hey Miss Need A Break
     I Want to Start off by Saying whether you're Exclusive or Not...You Always have the Right to Speak your Mind to Someone you are Dating. Especially if the Person is Doing Something that makes you Feel Uncomfortable....But just because you Speak on it, Doesn't Guarantee the Person will Change.  I Think you Should let him Know his Inconsistency bothers you...There's a Possibility his ways may not change because he is a Bachelor and it's a Nonexclusive Relationship....But If he Continues to Come Around and then Disappear..  I think Its Best to show him by your Actions that its unacceptable... Maybe you Should become a Little Inconsistent Yourself!! Don't hang out with him Every Time he Wants to See you. When He Disappears and then tries to hookup be Unavailable Sometimes!  If He Knows the Answer will Always be Yes.. Then he will be Confident that when he wants to Come back you'll be Open Arms!  Once He realizes that He can't just Come and Go as he Pleases...Then Maybe You Will See Some Changes... You Don't Need to Break His Pattern you just Need to Change Yours! ...So Pump the Breaks on Him Sometimes! ;)

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