
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Cougars, Pumas, and Cubs...Oh My!!!!

Women of All Age Groups Dating Younger Men...What's the Craze All About??    

I'm Sure You've Heard Juicy Stories of Sexy Older Women Dating Hot Waaay Younger Men! I've Always Applaud Women who Could Pull this Stunt off with Confidence and Class.  I Never Really Understood How a Younger Man and an Older Woman Could Connect with having Such a Large Gap in Age ... He's Telling Stories that Relates Back to His College Days...She's Telling Stories that Relates back to her Recent Divorce!! ( Cougar of Course!)....But, Then I Noticed there was a Growing Rate of Women who were Dating Younger Men....and Not just Women in their 40's!... Women that are 32 are Dating Men that are 25 and Women that are 25 are dating Guys that are 21... It started making Me Wonder... Am I Missing Out on Something Here?! I've Always Been the Girl Who Dated Older Guys because I Felt I Could Learn So Much More from a Mature Distinguished Man... Until I Decided to Step out of My Comfort Zone and Try a  Hot Younger Guy... And Oh My!! (giggles).....I See what the Craze is all About!  Younger Men seem to be More Light Hearted about Things, They're Spontaneous, and Have High Energy!! :)  (Not Taking Away From Older Men Because We All Know We Love a Hot Sexy Mature Man!! ) Now, I'm not saying this is for Everyone, But if you're Interested in Trying this...Initially you might be Concerned with the Obvious Things like... What can we Possibly have in Common or Do I Look too Old to be Holding Hands with this Younging?!.. But as Time Goes by and Numbers Go out the Window, It Really Comes Down to Interest and Chemistry!! It Made Me Realize that Age Really is Just a Number!...It Really Comes Down to Experience!! And You'll be Surprised by what you Can learn from Someone Younger because People come from So Many Different Walks of Life...So, If you Meet a Younger Man that Has had his Share of Life Experiences... I Say, Why Not Give it a Try! ...But, just Keep in Mind that Every Young Man Isn't Mature and Might Not Be for Keeps!!... You might Meet a Younger Guy that Clearly is just for Play!! ..So Ladies, Just Know Exactly what You're Getting yourself Into when Dealing with These Hot Spontaneous Younger Men!!... Because they Are Not Easily Tamed!.... If You're Still Interested and Curious about this Type of Love Affair...All I Can Say is...Whether you're a Cougar, Puma, or Cub... We all know the Saying....About What Curiousity Does to the Cat!!! So...Play with Precaution!! ;)

Here are Some things you might want to take into Consideration before Dealing with a Younger Man!

1.  If You are Looking for a Serious Relationship.. Dealing with a Younger Man might be a Risk Factor.  Make sure you know Exactly what it is he's Looking for in a Relationship... He might want to Play while you are looking for Commitment!

2.  Don't Think for One Second... The Man you're Dating is Younger so You will be able to Call All the Shots in the Relationship...Wrong!! You will be Surprised How Some Younger Men are Very Strong Minded...Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! Just don't Confuse a Younger Man as a Push Over!

3.  If You are at a Point in Your Life where you just want to have Some Fun...a Younger Man might be the Perfect Order!! :) 

4.  Don't Worry About the Age if you Really Have a Connection with Someone.. Think of it like this...People who Date People the Same Age aren't Guaranteed to Last in a Relationship...So We All are Taking a Chance on Love!! 


  1. Yes. There is def a huge "FUN" factor when dating a younger man. Im dabbling with it.... lol... and I have to say Me Likey!!! lol

  2. Lol Lady Di...I Think We All Likey! hahaaa ...Now the Question is for how Long! ;)
