
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Single Girl Dating or Single Girl Sexing...

How to know if You're a Single Girl Dating Or a Single Girl Just Having Sex!!

Single Girl Dating -  If you're a Single Girl Dating, I'm sure your Schedule can get Pretty Booked!  You're going to the Movies, having Great Conversation over candle lit Dinners, and the Guy/Guys you're Dating are looking forward to possibly seeing you again! (of course every once and awhile you'll run across a Loser, that you Never want to see again in your Life!) As time goes by, you're going on more Dates and the Relationship is will start to feel more Comfortable with your Date and you might be ready to  take things to the Next Level. This is when Sex will probably come into Play. Everyone is Different as far as when they will be Comfortable to have Sexual Relations with Someone, But when you're Dating Someone you usually Don't have Sex until you and the person have Established a Personal Rapport. Although, the Two of you are Not in a Committed or Exclusive Relationship there is still some Type of Consistent Communication and Interest to See each other Again. When Dating Someone, with Time Well Spent and a Great Connection...There will be an Opportunity for the Relationship to Grow.

Signs of Dating

When You're Hanging out with a Guy ...You Do Activities Together like Movies, Dinners, or even just grabbing a Coffee Together and Enjoying each others Company. Yes!!!! You're Probably having Hot Sex, But...your Time Spent Together doesn't revolve around it!!

The Two of you might not speak All day Everyday, But there is a line of Consistent Communication. Chances are you Speak Daily or Weekly...You're Not Wondering if he's Dead or Alive!!!

With Time and Comfort. There are Conversations about Feelings, Growth and the Direction of the Relationship  

Single Girl Just Having Sex

 If you're a Single Girl just having Sex, Chances are the Only time you're with a Guy is when you're having Sex with him. You might not necessarily go on Dates with this Guy/Guys...and he probably doesn't really Check Up on you on a Consistent Basis. It's safe to say, the Only Time he calls you is when he wants you to come to His House and have Sex with him.  There's really No Signs of Progression accept for New Positions you might try in Bed!!  Basically, You should know that you are a Single Girl Just having Sex.. When you Hang out with a guy and you don't do much outside of having Sex!!  If a Man doesn't show Interest in Getting to Know you as a Person and Only wants to Know... What color Panties are you wearing? Is 2 am too Late? or Can I just Stop By for a Little while, because i have to get up really Early the Next Morning....You Should be Aware that you are a Single Girl Just having Sex!  Now with all of that being said, you might be 100% Comfortable with this Type of Relation with the Guy/Guys you are seeing, But if you're Not....then you should Reevaluate how you want to Interact with Men that you are Interested in Dating!

Signs of Sexing

#1.  Your Phone Only Rings when he wants to Know if your Available to Stop By

  He Doesn't Know Much about You on a Personal Level and Nor Does He Try

The Only Time you Feel Close or Connected to this Person is when you're having Sex

* Single Girls will all have their Own Definition to what Dating Really Is...and What Works For Them.  I Just Think Every Single Girl Should Be Aware of the Type of Dating Situation they are Involved in. So Please Be Honest with Yourself about the Type of Interaction You have with the Guy/Guys You are Seeing. Don't Confuse a Sexual Relationship with a Dating Relationship... That will Lead to Confusion and Possibly Heartache...Again!!  And Ladies...Whether You're a Single Girl Dating or a Single Girl Sexing.....Lets be Safe!!


  1. So many GREAT FACTS!!!! Love your word of the day!! Sooooo true! -Melissa ;)

  2. Heyy Melissa...Thanx Girl!! and Yes...Lets Make em Step up Sometimes!! Hahaa :) xoxo

  3. This so true!!! The two should not get confused because that's how hearts get broken.

  4. Heyy Sherrita! Yess!! You are So Right!! I'm Sure We Can all Agree that being Heart Broken is One Of The Worst Feellings!! So we Definitely need To Know the Difference between Play and Partnership!! Thanx For Your Feedback!! :) xoxo
