
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sexting, Texting and hmmm Progressing?

There was a time when Late Night Talks on the Phone made Everyone feel Warm and Fuzzy inside!! Then Texting was Introduced to the World! Texting has become the New Way of Communicating. Its Convenient and one of the Quickest ways to get one's point across. It has become a Language of its Own. As Great as this Might sound, it has it's Pros and Cons for Dating. From my Experience.... and Observation on Other Girl's Experiences, Texting can get Really Tricky. As Intimate as Texting might seem ( because no one can hear your conversation) it can be Very Misleading. For one, you Can't get a Real Feel of Emotion or Hear how Genuine a person is when Expressing them self. I mean, Anybody can Text a bunch of Cool or Sexy words because it Sounds Good! and chances are half the things we Text we wouldn't have the Courage to say over the Phone. When you Talk on the Phone a person's Voice or Personality can Really be Intriguing, But because Texting has become the New Way to Communicate all those Major Details have been Shortened and Someone Laughing on the Phone has now turned into a LOL. Don't get me wrong, I am Guilty as charged! But we do need to Acknowledge how Texting is Affecting the Traditional way of Dating!

     Texting has become so Popular that it has Created a Sister Company called Sexting!! You know all the Dirty Little thoughts you would be Too Shy to say to Another Person Face to Face!  Although, Sexting can be Really Fun and Entertaining we must remember its just a bunch of Words being Typed... A Guy could be Sexting with you and Five Other Girls at the Same Time!  He can be on a Date with One Girl and Typing Sweet Nothings to You! I've Noticed that since Texting and Sexting has become so Popular, Relationships are Moving at a way Faster Rate. People are definitely having Sex Faster but not necessarily Really Getting to Know One Another. I've also Observed that in Recent Times, So Many People Say they Hate Talking on the Phone, Especially Men! There was a Time when a Man had to Pick Up the Phone to Ask you on a Date, Tell you he Missed you or even to Apologize for something he did Wrong. Nowadays, you get that via Text!! I feel Texting Can make Men become Very Lazy in their efforts!!  Ladies, it's just Something to Think About. Although, we are all Texting and Sexting, lets Not Allow this Convenient way of Communicating to take the Intimacy out of our Dating Experiences!!

1 comment:

  1. I am not a phone person, and texting is a great way of communicating for me. especially if the guy is nice but the conversations over the phone is just boring. sometimes when communicating over the phone with someone, that awkward moment of silence arrives out of no where (bird chirping). however, i am a single woman in my 30's who is dating, and it is nothing better then having that chemistry over the phone with someone and the conversation is endless. I've also built chemistry through texting but it is just not the same, and at some point it becomes annoying. lastly, Sexting is something that iam not with. i mean sending nude pictures, but i am with doing a lot of sexting through texting on a boring night ;)

