
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Miss Boss

Dear Jazz,
    I'm 29 years old and I consider myself to be a very successful confident woman. I make enough money where I don't want for anything. The guy that I'm dating doesn't make as much money as I do. At first it didn't bother me at all, until he started asking to borrow money. We've been dating for almost two years and he asked to borrow money on three different occasions. When ever he asks to borrow money it's always for a good reason,usually an unexpected bill that he needs to pay. He has always paid me back, but it's starting to make me feel uncomfortable because we are thinking about building a life together.  I don't have a problem with his choice in profession, but I know chances are he won't be making much more money than what he's earning now. He's 34 years old and I don't really think he plans on changing fields to make more money. I do love him and could see myself being with him in the long run, I just don't know if I want to be the one who's wearing the pants in the relationship.  I feel like if we decide to progress in this relationship and move in together, i'll be the bread winner.  He treats me really good, takes me out to dinners and even buys me flowers weekly. He says he can see himself spending the rest of his life with me. The question is do I want to spend a lifetime picking up the bill?
      Miss Boss

Hey Miss Boss,
    First I want to say Congrats on being a Successful Independent Woman!...that's Hot!! I know in Traditional Homes the Husband is Expected to be the Bread Winner...But Times have Changed!! And there's So many Households where Women make the Bulk of the Money!! Now the Truth of the Matter is, Finances are One of the Major Causes of Divorce...But If You make Enough Money to Live a Really Good Lifestyle, his Earnings will just Add to that. With Communication and Understanding for Who is Responsible for Each Bill, the Two of you Can Create a Financial System that Works. If you Have a Good Man that Loves you and Treats you the Way you Deserve to be Treated than I Don't think him Making Less Money than you Should be a Deal Breaker. If he is a Productive Hard Working Man and Can Contribute his Earnings to a Household Shared Together... Who Cares if you Pay a Couple more Bills than he Does.  There are Other Ways that a Man Contributes to a Relationship besides Financially! Does he Mentally, Emotionally and Physically Stimulate You?! Is he Romantic and Committed to you?!  If the Answer is Yes than I think it's Okay in this Case to Build a Life with Someone who might Not Earn as Much Money as You. If you Weigh the Pros and Cons...and the Only Con is that his Bank Account isn't as Stacked as Yours....Then I Say Boss Up and Build with the Man you Love!

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