Hey Jazz,
I've been dating this guy for about 6 months, nonexclusive. He made it clear to me that he likes spending time with me but he also likes being a bachelor. He was honest from the beginning about dating other woman. initially I was ok with it because I was seeing other guys, but now I spend alot of time with him. I spend days at a time at his house. We just came back from a vacation together and my feelings are starting to grow. Although we don't discuss it anymore, I know he still dates other women when he's not with me. Inside I'm mad about it, but I try not to say anything about it because I know what he initially told me. He's starting to notice a change in my attitude when I'm with it. He can tell that something is bothering me. I don't know if I should tell him how I'm feeling. I wouldn't even know what to say! Help!
Secretly wanting him to myself :(
Awwww... Secretly wanting him to myself :(
SMH....I know Exactly how you Feel! Its Not a Good feeling when You've realized your Feelings have Advanced but the Dynamics of the Situation Might Remain the Same. It's Nice that the Two of you Spend Good time Together. Sounds Like there's a Nice little Chemistry here! I like the fact that he's Always been Honest with You about his Position with Dating. With that being said....If Keeping your Feelings to yourself is Affecting the way you're Interacting with him, I think it would be Best to tell him how you Feel.. In a Light Hearted Way of course :) Telling him that your Feelings are Growing for him isn't a bad thing. if he's a Mature Guy he'll Appreciate your Honesty...But as a Mature Gal, You have to be Prepared for his Response.. Hopefully he'll Want the Same thing you Want!! But there's a Possibility that his Position will Remain the Same. He might Like things Exactly how they are. Where he's Able to See you and have his Options Open. Although, that might Hurt your Feelings, you have to Respect his Honesty. I Also think its Best for you to Know Now how he Feels about you. You Don't want to Wait a Year from Now to find out that his Feelings aren't on the Same Page as yours or that he's Not even in the Same Book!! Bachelors are Bachelors for a Reason. They Enjoy their Ability to Do what they Like....And you have the Ability to Do as you like As Well. So, you have a Choice...You Can Continue to see Him and Enjoy The Experience, But Never for One Second Forget that he is a Bachelor...But if you Feel you Can't Handle his Bachelor Rights, You have to make a Decision on Whether or Not you Should Walk Away.... P.S if you Continue to Date him I Advise you to Start Seeing other People As Well...You Want to leave your Options Open Too! Especially Since there's No Room for Growth with Someone you Can't Have All to Yourself!
Secretly wanting him to myself :(
ReplyDeleteI'm in the same situation but I told the guy how I felt and he was fine with it & we even talked about me moving to the same city he lives in after I graduate, but a month or two later things changed. He still wanted to be single and keep what we have as is. It for a couple of weeks I was sad but I had to realize I cant wait on him forever. I still talk to him but I now keep my options open & talk to other guys. So as Jazz said be prepared for his response cause it can hurt you.